Gluten free recipes

(Scroll down for recipes)

Pear and almond cake

Lemon and Polenta Cake

Chocolate and Ground Almond

Cheese and wild garlic scones

Gluten free mince pies

Mussels Mariniere

Gluten Free Chocolate Brownie

Gluten free Cheese and Bacon Quiche with Chives


  1. Chocolate Almond cake!

    Line a tin or flan dish with baking paper and butter lightly.
    Preheat oven to 180C

    200g plain chocolate (over 55%)

    200g butter
    200g ground almonds
    200g caster sugar
    5 eggs

    Melt butter and chocolate together slowly in a saucepan or in a baine-marie.
    Once mixed add the ground almonds - stir in well.
    Put aside to cool slightly.
    In a separate bowl mix together 4 egg yolks, 1 whole egg and sugar.
    Combine with the slightly cooled chocolate mix.

    In a separate bowl whisk the 4 remaining egg whites until stiff.

    Fold these gently into chocolate mix using wide circular folding motions. Do not stir!

    Bake at 180C for about 40 minutes.

    Check the cake after 20 minutes and cover with foil/baking paper if needed for rest of the bake.

    The cake is ready when a knife or skewer comes out clean.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Dear Sarah, could you please confirm that in the Pear and Almond cake that it is just NORMAL sugar you use and not Castor.

      My wife and I are really enjoying many of your recipes and visiting many of the coffee shops you have recommended

      We really appreciate and think your blog is great !!!!!

    2. Pear and Almond Cake (GF)
      3 Eggs
      300g caster Sugar
      300g Ground Almonds
      300g butter
      4 to 6 Pears
      Preheat the oven to 180c. Line a 10inch flan dish or baking pan with baking paper. In a bowl mix together eggs, sugar, butter and ground almonds together in a bowl. Peel, core and half the pears - there should be enough to cover the bottom of your dish. Place the pears flat side down in the dish and cover with the almond mixture. Bake in the over until cooked in the middle, about 45 mins. Keep an eye on the cake as it can burn easily on top. on Gluten/Dairy free recipes1 replies.

  3. Lemon and Polenta Cake

    Serves 8
    6oz/175g unsalted butter, softened
    8oz/225g caster sugar
    7oz/200g ground almonds
    3 large eggs
    Zest of 4 whole lemons and juice of 1
    4oz/115g polenta
    1 tsp baking powder
    Pinch of salt

    Preheat the oven to 325F/160C/gas mark 3. Line an 8” (20cm) tin with baking parchment.
    Put all the ingredients in a food processor and whizz to a smooth batter.
    Spoon into the lined tin and bake for 45-50 minutes, until a skewer pushed into the centre comes out with no uncooked batter on it. Cool in the tin.

  4. Cheese and Wild garlic Scones

    • 500g gluten free flour (Half plain and half self-raising), plus a little extra for rolling out
    • 80g softened butter, plus a little extra to grease the baking tray
    • 2 free-range eggs
    • 5 tsp baking powder
    • 250ml milk
    • 400g grated cheddar cheese (keep a little back for topping the scones)
    • Small bunch of wild garlic chopped ;) chives are just as good
    Preparation method
    1. Preheat the oven to 220C (200C fan assisted)/425F/Gas 7.
    2. Lightly grease a baking tray with butter and line it with baking or silicone paper (not greaseproof).
    3. Put 450g of the flour into a large bowl and add the butter. Rub the flour and butter together with your fingers to create a breadcrumb-like mixture.
    4. Add the cheese, wild garlic, eggs and baking powder and use a wooden spoon to turn the mixture gently. Make sure you mix all the way down to the bottom and just incorporate all of the ingredients. DO NOT OVERMIX THE DOUGH (If using a Kenwood use on the lowest setting)
    5. Now add half of the milk and keep turning the mixture gently with the spoon to combine. Then add the remaining milk a little at a time and bring everything together to form a very soft, wet dough. (You may not need to add all of the milk.)
    6. Sprinkle most of the remaining flour onto a clean work surface. Tip the soft dough out onto the work surface and sprinkle the rest of the flour on top. The mixture will be wet and sticky.
    7. Use your hands to fold the dough in half, then turn the dough 90 degrees and repeat. By folding and turning the mixture in this way (called 'chaffing'), you incorporate the last of the flour and add air. Do this a twice until you’ve formed a smooth dough. If the mixture becomes too sticky use some extra flour to coat the mixture or your hands to make it more manageable. Be careful not to overwork your dough.
    8. Next roll the dough out: sprinkle flour onto the work surface and the top of the dough, then use the rolling pin to roll up from the middle and then down from the middle. Turn the dough by 90 degrees and continue to roll until it’s about 2.5cm/1in thick. ‘Relax’ the dough slightly by lifting the edges and allowing the dough to drop back onto the work surface.
    9. Using a pastry cutter, stamp out rounds from the pastry and place them onto the baking tray. Dip the edge of the pastry cutter in flour to make it easier to cut out the scones without them sticking. Don’t twist the cutter – just press firmly, then lift it up and push the dough out.
    10. Once you’ve cut 4 or 5 rounds you can re-work and re-roll the dough to make it easier to cut out the remaining rounds. Any leftover dough can be worked and rolled again, but the resulting scones won’t be as fluffy.
    11. Place the scones on the baking tray and leave them to rest for a few minutes to let the baking powder work. Then top with grated cheese.
    12. Bake the scones in the middle of the oven for 15 minutes, or until the scones are risen and golden-brown.

    I adapted Paul Hollywoods scone recipe

  5. Gluten Free Mince Pies
    This recipe uses homemade mincemeat – Delia’s recipe is the best but I don’t bake it in the oven I just bottle it up and use it when I want to, it last for months. The brandy or Armagnac is the preservative along with the sugar and citrus juice. (
    Ingredients for pastry

    I use ‘Doves Farm’ Organic flour and gluten free flour specialists.

    340g plain flour
    170g butter
    5-6 (75g) tablespoons of cold water.
    1 tablespoon of sugar

    Preheat the oven to 180°/ Fan 160°C/ 350°F/Gas 4

    1. Rub the flour and butter together in a large bowl until it resemble breadcrumbs.
    2. Add the sugar, mix again.
    3. Stir in the water and bring the pastry together.
    4. Wrap the pastry in cling film and put in the fridge for 30 mins.
    5. Put the pastry in the middle of a floured board. Roll out to thickness of a £1 coin.
    6. Cut out the circles with a pastry cutter. You may have to gather up the pastry and roll again to get more circles. (12 medium and 12 small for lids or you can use larger circles and just fill them, like mini-tarts or using a star shaped cutter cut out stars and place them on instead of lids.) Lay them into the prepared greased patty tins.
    7. Half fill the tarts with your mincemeat (remember not to overfill them as the fruit will swell when cooking).
    8. Place the smaller lids on the mincemeat tarts, crimping the edges together.
    9. Bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes until golden brown.
    10. When ready take them out of the oven, sprinkle with a little sugar and leave to cool in the tins.

  6. Mussels - 7 minutes to Heaven!

    Moules Mariniere - wine/garlic

    1kg of Scottish Mussels (rinsed, de-bearded and any broken ones thrown away)
    2 cloves of garlic
    10 Shallots or 2 leeks
    white wine or cider 250ml
    Olive oil

    Put the olive oil in a saucepan, over a medium hot heat, big enough to hold all the ingredients.
    Add the garlic, then the chopeed shallots/leeks.
    Let these cook for a couple of minutes.
    Add the wine/cider and bring to the boil.
    Add the mussels and cook with the lid on for 3-4 mins.
    Take the pan off the heat and shake the pan with the lid on.
    Put back on the heat for a minute or two and repeat once more.
    Once the mussels have opened pour the mussels into a large serving bowl and let your guests help themselves or pile up a bowl for each of them.
    (Throw out any that have not opened properly - sometimes you may get tiny little red crabs in the shells, absolutely fine to eat with the mussels).

    Variations -

    Moules a la creme Normande
    - add creme fraiche or cream before last shake of the pan.
    (120ml) of cream or creme fraiche

    Moule Provencal - takes about 40 mins to prepare
    - add celery and basil to the garlic and shallots
    - cook for 5 minutes
    - add tomato paste ( 2 tablespoons) and 1 large tin of tomatoes, a pinch of salt and pepper and a teaspoon of sugar.
    - simmer for 30 mins
    - Put the mussels and wine in a pan and bring to the boil.
    - cook until the mussels have opened (5 mins)
    - pour off the cooking liquid
    - pour over the hot tomato sauce and heat through
    - serve imediately and sprinkle with chopped basil

  7. Chocolate Brownie (Gluten Free)
    Ingredients –
    • 250g of butter
    • 200g of chocolate of 55%
    • 250g of caster sugar
    • 3 eggs
    • 175g gluten free self-raising flour (Doves Farm)
    • 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder

    Preheat the oven to 180c.
    Line a tin with baking paper

    Put the butter and chocolate into a saucepan and on the lowest heat let it melt stirring ocassionaly.
    In a large bowl beat together the sugar and the eggs.
    Gradually pour in the melted chocolate mixture and continue whisking gently until combined.
    Using a metal spoon fold in the flour and cocoa.
    Pour the mixture into the ready tin and bake for 30 – 35 mins.
    Take out of the oven at 35 mins don’t be tempted to leave it in the oven or do a skewer test. The idea of the Brownie is to be moist in the idle and overcooking it will dry it out.
    Leave in the tin to cool and then put in the fridge overnight. Cut and eat!!!!!
